Sunday, April 3, 2011

We were merely freshmen..

If you haven't heard this song in awhile, take the time to listen to it. When I was a kid, I remember liking this song but I never understood the meaning of it until one of my good friends in high school accidentally took his own life by overdosing.
I don't mean to sound cruel or threatening, but think about it.. how many times have you endangered your life by doing stupid things? Have you ever gotten behind the wheel after you had been drinking? Was anyone in the passenger seat? Do you talk on the phone while you drive? How about texting, do you do that while you are doing 50mph? We all commit these crimes without thinking of the deeper consequences.. no one ever thinks about dying on the way home. At most, we worry about getting a pulled over by the cops and getting a DUI, but do you ever worry that you might kill yourself and/or your friends in the car with you?
It is a troubling thought, I know. This song does a good job in portraying young and accidental death by saying "for the life of me, I cannot believe we'd ever die for these sins, we were merely freshmen."


  1. I also used to like this song when I was younger, but it seems to have such a different meaning now than it did when I first heard it on the radio. I completely agree with you about texting/drinking while driving, we are not only risking our lives, but also the lives of innocent people around us. We have this feeling of being invinvible at a young age, but in reality we are just as likely to die in an accidents as someone much older than us.

  2. Its true we never think about our actions. Its so much more easy to think that it won't ever happen to us, so that way we can go on living our life and do what makes us happy, and not ever think about the possible consequences. I used to love this song to, I still do, I haven't heard it in years. Great post.

  3. Hey thanks for posting this Amanda! That's a great song, the Boyce Avenue version of it is my favorite.. You are so right. We are so willing to endanger our lives with things that are so dumb. I think the fact of the matter is that we have to be held responsible. At some point we have to take responsibility for our decisions, for our actions, for our choices. Life is so fleeting, and when we learn to take responsibility for our actions, we learn how to live wise in the face of death.


    ^^^ the link for boyce avenue's version =D

  5. I love this song! It makes me think of how we all think we are invincible, even after we suffer the loss of a friend or loved one to something we have done, and may even continue to do. We have all heard of people passing away while drinking and driving or texting, yet over half of us still do it. Why? I find myself asking this all the time, and then I turn around and the next thing I know I'm on my phone while driving. It's a vicious cycle of danger and we're all along for the ride and only the unlucky few won't make it, and those few will be our friends, family, and loved ones. As we grow and learn more about life I hope we (and I'm including myself) can reach a level of responsibility where we realize "I am not invincible and if I don't straighten up I'm going to change my life and other lives forever", and I must say I hope I and others come to this realization quickly. Great post! :)

  6. This song also reminds me of a friends death in high school due to an overdose. I also agree that we so often don't realize the consequences to the actions we make.

    "It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt" Is a quote that often pops into my head. There are so many deaths out there that are preventable by changing the way we behave. We worry so much more about breaking the law than we do about the fact that what were doing could possibly kill someone. It's funny to think of how selfish we can be and how willing we are to take advantage of other peoples lives. --- In the idea of we just dont want to get caught in breaking the law.

  7. We all feel as if we are invincible, especially when we are in high school. We think that nothing can ever happen to us, until something happens to someone close to us and the first question asked is, "How could this have happened?". I hear stories all the time from friends who tell me that if they could take back certain things that they had done which could have seriously hurt them, they would. I think that the irony is looking back at how we once thought and witnessing how much we've grown and matured since then. Our past shapes who we are and impacts our future in both positive and negative ways. Personally, I would look at it in a positive way; the mistakes that I made growing up taught me many things and allowed me to learn from them. Of course, if I could, the list of things I would choose to take back would go on forever, but at the end of the day the fact of the matter is that we can't.
    I agree with Jahna's post. We can be so careless with our behaviors and actions and only worry about whether or not we are going to get caught, not whether or not we may hurt or kill someone throughout the process. Fortunately, we are able to grow up and figure out that our actions do have consequences, which is something that I don't think as teenagers we take into consideration.
