Saturday, April 9, 2011

Life and Death in one week.

This has been a crazy emotional week for me. I have experienced life and death this week and it has been emotionally rocking. My husband and I found out we were pregnant earlier this week and three days later I realized I am having a miscarriage. It is funny, honestly, how this class has helped me cope with this news. I know its not the same as loosing someone you have known and loved for years and watched them die, but this, to me, is still death. This class has shown me that death is life and its natural, and right now that is calming. I have experienced the deaths of 3 of my grandparents, one of which I was amazingly close to, and this experience has been just as heart wrenching. While death is sad, and most times it doesn't make sense to us, we go on and this class has allowed me to learn how to go on. So, I guess this class has probably taught me more about life than any other class I have ever taken, and I thank everyone for that.


  1. Jacquelyn,
    I'm so sorry to hear that you are experiencing such a loss right now. You're right, it's not exactly the same as losing someone you have known and loved for years, BUT it is definitely not something that can be put on a scale and rated "less life-changing" or "less deserving of grief". I can't imagine celebrating over a life growing inside of me and then three days later, experience the heart wrenching pain of never being able to know my child, never being able to watch him/her grow into a child that I bore. For this, I am truly, truly sorry. My only hope is that this page, this class, could be outlet for you and your grief and you will be able to find a glimmer of hope in the life that you have now, despite a life lost. I know we don't know each other, but nevertheless, if you need ANYTHING or would just like to talk someone, feel free to email me-
    You are in my prayers,

  2. Jacqueline,
    I am so sorry about the loss you are experiencing right now. I can't possibly imagine how hard that must be. I can't imagine celebrating bringing a new life into this world then experiencing the pain of losing that life. I'm happy that you have learned about dealing with grief and learning about life through this class.


  3. Wow, I am very sorry for your loss, and I am glad to hear that this class has helped you cope with the stress of the situation. Hopefully you will be able to continue to use what you have learned in our class as you experience different situations in the future. A miscarriage can be just as awful as losing a family member, and I am proud of you for sharing your story with our class. I hope all is well with you and your husband, stay strong.
