Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Over in Ireland

Today, as I was driving to class, I was switching through my radio stations. I landed on BBC Radio on Sirius Radio. I heard them talking about a Police Officer's car being blown up while he was in it. This happened because of his religion, something he believed in. It switched to his mom talking about how horrible this incident was and how she will miss her little boy. I was interested in this. Why do we always have to kill on faith or religion? This is something people choose to believe in. I went and googled the article. I attached this link for anyone who would want to read it. People need to stop killing each other and start loving each other for who each other is. I remember when I was 7 years old and I thought the world was perfect and there weren't any wars, but I was wrong. There was Desert Storm, bombings of embassies, and how can anyone forget the Lewinsky scandals. I don't understand how people think it is okay to blow each other up and get it away with it. We all bleed the same color blood, all have problems, and all have families. We are human beings not toys that people can blow up. http://article.wn.com/view/2011/04/03/US_condemns_murder_of_policeman_in_Northern_Ireland/


  1. I was recently talking with my parents about my interest in studying abroad, perhaps in England, Scotland, or Ireland. My parents feel that it is not a safe or smart idea for me to travel abroad in the near future, and this news story about the irish car bombing was brought up to defend their arguement. I find it sad that we can no longer travel freeely to vist and learn about different parts of the world, for the fear of being killed by radical extremists. My fear of dying overseas will prevent me from traveling to Europe in the near future.

  2. That story is absolutely awful, I can’t even imagine the grief that family must be going through. I also will never understand why people kill for religion, why can’t we all coexist together? Religion or differences in religion are usually one of the main reasons wars are fought. I’ve never heard of a religion that condones or idolizes violence or killing, so why don’t we all practice what we believe in? This story happened over in Ireland, and I happen to not only be Irish myself but have family over there as well. I certainly have heard a lot of the bombings and terrorist attacks that go on between the Protestants in the North of Ireland and the Catholics in the south of Ireland, this ‘war’ between them has been going on for a couple hundred years now.
