Thursday, April 21, 2011


  The Dave Matthews Band has always been known for writing songs that have such deep meanings that you literally have to read the lyrics numerous times in order to gain a greater appreciation for the song. Their music has always involved controversial topics that give light on issues that our society purposely attempts to avoid.

A short interpretation would encompass the gravedigger symbolizing death. The characters that the band include in the song (both fictional or nonfictional) display the simple fact that regardless of a person’s age: young, middle aged, or old we are all vulnerable to death no matter what. The band includes “Ring Around the Rosy” which is known by so many of us as nothing more than a childhood riddle. I think that it was included with such serious lyrics to mock the idea of our blissfully ignorant views on death as well as include somewhat of a witty anecdote. The history behind this riddle will give more insight. I think that the chorus about the gravedigger (death) digging him a shallow grave so that he can feel the rain implies the existence of life after death. Overall, this song displays the reality of mortality; life is a fragile essence of being and we need to take full advantage of it before the gravedigger digs comes to dig our own grave.

The Dave Matthews Band

Cyrus Jones 1810 to 1913
Made his great-grandchildren believe
you could live to a 100 and 3,
a 100 and 3 is forever when you're just a little kid
so Cyrus Jones lived forever

when you dig my grave
could you make it shallow
so that I can feel the rain

Muriel Stonewall 1903 to 1954
She lost both of her babies in the
second great war
Now you should never have to watch
as your only children are lowered in the ground
I mean never have to bury your own babies

when you dig my grave
could you make it shallow
so that I can feel the rain

Ring around the Rosy
Pocket full of posies
ashes to ashes
we all fall down

when you dig my grave
could you make it shallow
so that I can feel the rain
oh, Gravedigger

Little Mikey Parsons, 67 to 75
He rode his bike like the devil until the day he died
When he grows up he wants to be Mr. Vertigo on the flying trapeze
oh, 1940 to 1992

when you dig my grave
could you make it shallow
so that I can feel the rain

when you dig my grave
could you make it shallow
so that I can feel the rain
I can feel the rain
I can feel the rain

when you dig my grave
could you make it shallow
so that I can feel the rain


(Matthews, 2003)


Matthews, D. (Composer). (2003). Gravedigger. [D. Matthews, C. Beauford, S. Lessard, B. Tinsley,  Performers, & J. D'earth, Conductor] Charlottesville, VA, US.

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