Friday, January 21, 2011

Untimely Deaths

My mom informed me of this news story from back home in Miami. She called me the other day when it took place really upset. Two Miami-Dade police officers were shot and killed by a 23 year old man with a 5 page record that began when he was at the mere age of 14 (which is the age of the 7th graders that she teaches). Immediately after he killed the officers, another officer came and shot him. I told my mom how Professor Cox and our class recently had a discussion about "good deaths." Although I do not wish death on anyone, I think the police murderer deserved to be killed, especially since he was not a saint or suffering from a mental disability/diagnosis. My explanation to my mom intrigued her. I think she was just so disturbed by the story and the fact that the officers left behind families and children of their own.


  1. I understand where you are coming from completely and I am in no way making an excuse for the man that killed the two police officers because although he was wrong and has been for the past several years, I cannot agree with the fact that he "deserved" to be killed. The reason I say this is that even though he might have not been a very good person, someone out there is grieving for him as well. I have seen so many people suffer when they loose a loved one as well as I have and I do not wish that pain upon anyone!

  2. I agree, I guess it was a little harsh. I watched an interview with his family on the news soon after it happened and you could tell that they were in so much pain. I do not wish that grieving process on anyone. It is just a shame that his family had to in a way suffer for his actions.
