Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Humorous Epitaphs from Gravestones

From a New Mexico Cemetery:
Here lies
Johnny Yeast
Pardon me
For not rising.

From a Uniontown, PA Cemetery:
Here lies the body
of Jonathan Blake
Stepped on the gas
Instead of the brake.

From a Richmond, VA Cemetery:

She always said her feet were killing her
But nobody believed her.

From a Ribbesford, England Cemetery:

The children of Israel wanted bread
And the Lord send them manna.
Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife
And the devil sent him Anna.

From an Enosberg Falls, VT Cemetery:

Here lies the body of our Anna
Done to death by a banana
It wasn't the fruit that laid her low
But the skin of the thing that made her go.


  1. So I'm a little confused about this epitaph, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that each four or so lines starts with so and so at this cemetery and it says how the person dies. For instance, at the New Mexico cemetery the guy must've passed in his sleep for he did not rise, and the one after that got into a car accident because he stepped on the gas instead of the brake, the Richmond woman must've had some disease or infection in her feet and died because they were killing her. Next, the England cemetery caught me off guard little bit. The Israelites wanted bread, but instead got manna which is a type of food that is sweet of taste, and may have poisoned them and Anna may have murdered Wallace. The last VT cemetery concerning Anna wasn't the banana that laid her low, but it says the skin of the thing made her go. I have no idea what the thing could be, but it could be the skin of her husband that made her go. He may have had some infectious skin disorder or illness and passed it on to her which laid her low. =P That's the best that I got for this one guys.

  2. Death does not always have to be a sad and mournful process. I find that putting humor into the scenerio is the best way about it. I know humor can be difficult at such a time as death. However, I believe that humor is the best way to get out of a dark hole. We should enjoy the lives of those who have passed, not mourn for ages to come. Remembering the good times keeps the fallen souls alive. Would those who have passes really want us live in pain and agony forever or would they want us to remember the joyous times we've shared with them and cherish them forever? I belive the latter. These few humorous exams of gravestones are just a small way in which to add light heartedness to a situation of this level.

  3. This post reminds me of the Disney attraction, The Haunted Mansion. Obviously it's a fictional setting dealing with ghosts stuck in transition, but one of my favorite parts of the ride was reading the humorous grave markings on the walk up. With this being said I think this approach to death really depends on the person and situation. Obviously it would not really be appropriate to have a comedic epitaph surrounding a high tragedy death, but when someone is known for their humor and lightheartedness then why not. Especially with this day and age of everyone constantly updating their thoughts and feelings through social networking why not have one final status that completely exemplifies what they were known for.
