Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quotes on death

"People living deeply have no fear of death" ~ Anais Nin
"Every man dies- Not every man really lives." ~ William Ross Wallace

These meant something to me as I read them, they reiterate the importance of living a full and happy life. Making sure we do all we can do is something alot of people take for granted. We talked about a "good death" the other day in class and I think for me a good death would be to have experienced a great deal, to have made a mark on someone (even if it is just my husband or children) to know I was able to become the person I always wanted to be, I think if I could accomplish that I would have a very good death. I think we push so hard for academic, occupational and superficial achievements that we really loose sight of living. We don't see the world as precious or our time on it as limited. Life is important, but it is not until we are facing death that we realize how important it is.
Jacquelyn Richardson


  1. For me, a good death would be being able to say goodbye and tell all of my family and friends that I loved them. One of my worst fears is to die being on bad terms with someone that is close to me, which is why I try not to get in serious fights with people I love. The quote “Everyone dies, but not everyone lives,” is one of my favorites. The quote brings the reality the fact that some people don’t live their life to the fullest by taking risks and having fun with life.

  2. Certain lyrics from a great new song that came out has a great relevance to the second quote you posted.
    "I believe that life is a prize, but to live doesn't mean your alive.. Everybody dies but not every body lives" - Moment For Life.
    I think that many of us surround our lives around the things we have to do and drown in our own issues, which is why so many relationships with those close to us are ruined. I can especially relate to pushing to hard for my academic performance, which actually crossed my mind when I began writing this. The emotional stress, along with the physical stress of working hard enough and pushing for a successful career is very strenuous.
