Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Simply Mortal

Being mortal really puts an emphasis on life. Life is like a timeline, the time you spend reading this has already passed. theres no going back only moving forward to what might come. I remember watching the movie Troy and there was an interesting view Achillies presents about the gods. Achillies says that "the gods envy us. They envy us because we are mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because were doomed. you will never be lovelier than you are now and we will never be here again". Being mortal can be a rush, pushing the limits and not knowing if your going to make it out alive can be exhilarating. Ive been in situations that could have resulted in serious injurys or death, and when I made it out ive never felt so alive. Its an incredible feeling thats almost addicting, it makes me want to push the envelope.


  1. I completely agree with your statement. I have had some near death experiences myself and it makes you think about those who don't make it after being in a similar situation. It makes you think about why you were the one to survive and what purposes you still have to fulfill. I know too many people that live with regret but why waste all of that time, because you're never going to get it back! We say it's best to try and live life to the fullest but most people are too wrapped up in other things that in the end are really not that important(like focusing on your work more than your own family).

  2. I really found your post to be very intriguing; I particularly was fascinated by the quote you used from Troy. I had never heard anything even similar to that. Usually death and dying is something most people don't envy but I suppose when you are faced with the opposite having each moment count is special. I definitely think we all have a purpose for being here, and we have to seize the day because we do not know if it will be our last. This class has definitely made me think of a lot of things I want to experience and try in my lifetime.

  3. That is an awesome quote from Troy. I think what makes that statement even more profound is that it came from a man who made a living of risking his life by fighting in wars. He didn't have any reasons to fight other than it was what he loved. He thrived off that exhilarating feeling you are talking about. I don't think Im about to go risking my life all the time just to get those kind of feelings, but it does make me recognize that life is good. We all have a purpose and we need to be carefull to not get caught up in the trivial things. Even Achilles was guilty of this, because he lost his life in a battle that wasn't his to fight. He fought for money and for glory. Was the money and glory worth it though when he had no one to share it with? I don't think so, but we will never know.

  4. "Pushing the envelope" is always thrilling. I consider myself quite the risk-taker. I’d like to address the non-daredevils out there -- the people too cautious and worried to try new, possibly dangerous, things. I opened a fortune cookie the other day that read, “The only man that never makes mistakes is the man that never does anything.” Before you die, while you still have a chance, get out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to let loose, have fun, and make a few mistakes.

  5. Wow...I really love that quote from Achilles I've never heard it before! I also can completely see the meaning. As much as it would be great to live forever and never die, it would be awful at the same time. I think we are given the perfect amount of time for us on this world, and however long its set up to be I'll take it. Living on the edge is fun and exciting and the dangerousness of it is terrifying. I have been in a couple situations that could've gone worse than they did, but I don't know if I've ever truly been close to death (I like to think not). However, the experiences and activities we partake in regardless of how risky they are, it is fulfilling to know that if something were to go wrong it was my decision to do it and I will leave doing something that made me feel on top of the world. That adrenaline rush you're talking about is so addicting it's like a drug to some. As scary as it is when you think about people living day in and day out risking their lives, I also like to help people realize that those people risking their lives everyday are probably some of the happiest people out there. I can say it' be hard for me to partake in certain activities because I am not ready to leave yet, and for that reason I stay as far away from death as possible. However those risk takers have accepted whatever their fate is and are destined to pass doing something they love over nothing.
