Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mr. Death

This is in response to the Twilight Zone episode that we previously watched in class called "Nothing in the Dark."

This short episode revolves around the most fearful things known to man: the unknown. The little old lady (main character) has remained shacked up for years in a dark room that she calls a home. Afraid that "Mr. Death" will surely claim her life if she gives him an opportunity, she refuses to communicate with the world and objects to see the day of light. In my personal opinion, the miserable fear that she lived in, was not a life worth living for. She spent all of her days scared of what might come for her, which held her captive in a dead-life. As she was describing what Mr. Death was, all I could think about were those stupid Final Destination movies...... Although most of the charcters throughout that series ended up dying, the main characters knew that death was out there waiting to reach them, and lived in fear also (not as extreme as the little old lady's, of course).

These two examples of living in fear kind of raise a question in my mind: is death really that scary? When we relate death to the idea of movies like Final Destination and that there is no way to cheat death, it is scary. But when we compare the idea of dying to Mr. Death who painlessly takes the old lady to a better place, it isn't all that scary.

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