Monday, February 14, 2011

Death & dying quotes

Some quotes on death and dying I find interesting.

"We all die. The goal isnt to live forever, the goal is to create something that will"
Chuck Palahniuk

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live"
Norman Cousins

"Have the courage to live. Anyone can die"
Robert Cody

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever"
Mahatma Ghandi

"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist" Epicurus

"While I though that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die"
Leonardo Da Vinci

"As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death"
Leonardo Da Vinci

"Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live"
Henry Van Dyke

"To Die will be an awfully big adventure"
James Barrie

"You cant get out of life alive"
Les Brown


  1. These are all really good quotes. They really put death into perspective, so that the emphasis is placed on life's journey and not so much the destination. Learning as if you are to live forever is a really powerful idea. The last quote you posted even has that comical outlook to death that through this course I have grown to appreciate. My personal favorite quote, "I intend to live forever, so far so good."-Stephen Wright

  2. I like the quote, "Have the courage to live, anyone can die." It reminds me of Jill in the SI article that Dr. Cox posted on the blog. She truly had the courage to continue living and did so till she died. I think that this also pertains to suicide to. In a way it is the easy way out because sometimes it takes so much courage to live through difficult and times that dying seems so much more appealing. I think that to truly live takes a lot of courage and evaluation. I believe that you do not truly feel alive until you realize what you want to accomplish and what makes you truly happy.

  3. I can really identify with the quote ,"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live" by Norman Cousins. Death is for certain. While it's not a topic that many people want to discuss, it's the finish line for all of us. We suffer and grieve when our loved ones and family members pass because the spirit of who they are lives inside us. Relationships and socializing enriches the quality of life. It contributes to the life (spirit) we live.

  4. Sometimes you do have a bad day.And you do think wow this day really isn't fun and nothing good is coming out of it. You feel hopeless, upset and just don't know what to do. Well just remember things could be alot worst. We should all be grateful for our individual lives. No matter how tough times are, someone else is having is 2x as worst. By reading these quotes it remembers to tell me to live life each and everyday to its very fullest! I feel as a person now no matter what goes wrong I really do LIVE everyday! No one can stop me. This is my life and I am very blessed for everything and everyone I have in it!

  5. I really enjoyed reading these quotes. Its always interesting to me to know how other people view death. These short few words of wisdom on the subject are incredibly uplifting. All of these words have the intention of letting people know that death is inevitable. It doesn't matter what we do, one day we will all pass away. There is no use in trying to stop it. I really like this particular quote you showed us, "Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live". This is very true. We live our lives so carefully each and every day. Are we really truely enjoying our lives or is this what it has come to? People should not be afraid to die. I find living in fear just causes one to die much faster. Our only goal in life should be to live a happy and meaningful life. I just wanted to share one of my favorite quotes on death. It is actually lyrics from a song: (Lapse by Envy on the Coast)"I am not afraid, at least not to die. I'm afraid to live and not remember why."
