Monday, March 21, 2011

Ocean Reef Burials

A new-ish cremation memorial option is having your ashes incorporated into a permanent artifical reef. I find this particularly interesting because my great-uncle John Rybovich's ashes were incorporated into a cement mold "memorial reef" and lowered into the ocean. My uncle, a boat-builder, loved everything involving saltwater and was an early proponent for artificial reefs.

The website describes the history behind what they call "reef balls":
"Patented mold systems were developed to create reefs that closely mimic natural reef formations. Special design features were included to make it easy for sea life to attach and grow on these designed reef structures. An environmentally friendly concrete formula was developed that would be attractive to the microorganisms to make the new reefs, and reef balls were born.

In 1990, the Reef Ball Development Group and the Reef Ball Foundation completed the first Reef Ball project near Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Since that time, there have been over 3,500 projects worldwide with more than 400,000 Reef Balls placed on the ocean floor. With years of documented history of stability and habitat development, Reef Balls have become the world standard for fisheries programs, coral restoration and habitat development projects."
(Eternal Reefs, INC)

My uncle's reef has been listed under South Florida Dive Sites and Palm Beach County Wrecks since October 7, 1999.
Eternal Reef Supporting Life.
"eternal reef" supporting life


  1. I think this is an extremely interesting way to preserve the memory of someone. I think the idea of planting "the memory of life" into the ocean to sustain "new life" is a very clever concept. If the memory that someone leaves behind pertains to their love or passion for the ocean, then I would say the ocean would be the most symbolic and representational place to put the remains. I've always thought to myself that i'd like my ashes to be spread somewhere over a beautiful beach. Anyone that truly knows me and what I'm passionate about would take comfort in placing me right where I long to the sea.

  2. Wow, this is a totally new kind of concept. I'm a marine science major here at the university so the ocean is kind of my life. To have an option like this where people can take part in life again, through the creation of an artificial reef, is really something special. I'm really happy that your great-uncle was able to be apart of something like this.

  3. I think this a really awesome way to bury someone. It's a really cool way to preserve the memory of someone, especially if they really loved the ocean. My mom was looking into ways of having her ashes placed in the ocean and this is something she considered. (She later decided against the ocean idea altogether because she hates being under water). Regardless, I think this is an amazing thing.

  4. This is a really cool idea, I had heard about something like this before when I was a little bit younger. To me it sounds like an awesome place to be put to rest. I love the ocean and everything about it. Knowing that after I’m gone I could ultimately be providing life back to the ocean is an awesome feeling. That’s pretty cool that your uncle decided to do that. It is for sure something I am going to look into a little bit more.

  5. That is a very cool idea. Its awesome that your loved one can be apart of something living and growing, and so beautiful. It reminds me of something I heard that people can have their ashes pressed into a diamond, which can be worn by the loved one. It is apparently crazy expensive, but kind of interesting.

  6. Growing up I was extremely fascinated with sea. Of course being a little girl, it was really dolphins and the little mermaid that made me fall in love. The idea of being buried at sea is so neat! Just think, although we are being preserved in a cement reef part of us will still be washed away in the ocean... its as if we become part of the ocean and in a more imaginative way, our souls get to travel all across the world.

  7. Wow, I think that this is an incredible idea, especially for someone that is passionate about the ocean. My cousin recently got married at an aquarium and heard about this type of cremation and is obsessed with the idea. This type of thing is not for me, but I do believe that if a person is interested in the water this would be a great way to keep the person's memory alive.

  8. I've heard about many people having their ashes scattered in the ocean but never in an actual reef. I think this is a really awesome idea and there's also something really peaceful about it as well. I grew up on the beach and have always loved being close to the ocean. There's a sense of calmness out there which I think is really important in death. I haven't decided whether or not I want to be cremated, but I think personally that being incorporated into something you already love is way better than your memory being placed in a jar.

  9. I have actually seen this type of alternative burial on the travel channel. There is a place near the coast of Bermuda that is very popular for having human burials. They way that it works out there is that the deceased are cremated and then a plot of underwater land is purchased through the British law. Then the urn and the deceased person's remains are lowered into the plot. Then the family is giving the actual coordinates of the location so they can come back and visit the exact spot where there loved one was laid to rest. My mother has made it VERY clear that she wants a water burial. And though I dont want to have to think about it for many many MANY years, its good to know what she wants for herself and that there are ways to do it. Good post!
