Monday, March 14, 2011

If I Die Young


  1. This song is one of my favorites. How the lyrics are portrayed and the songs melody make it truly beautiful. People do die young and it has been a very hard thing for me to face for a couple years. My best friend's sister died in a horse accident. I was very scared when this all happened and her family wasvery upset and hurt that she was no longer with them. By listening to this song there are a couple lyrics in the song that make me feel better. One is "Lord make me a rainbow that shine down on my mother, she'll know that I'm safe when she stands under my colors". This line means alot to me. Jamie is out there and she really did love rainbows. Her mother does feel better when she see's a rainbow. Another line is "Gather up your tears, keep them in your pocket, save them for a time when your really gonna need them oh oh". This means to me that I shouldn't cry over the little things in life. Cry over the things that matter like losing your best friend. Only cry when you need your tears. Life is short for all of us, but the ones who die young they are interrupted by the band perry states "A sharp knife". When I ride the horses I dedicate each ride to Jamie. She will always be remembered and in my heart. And for all the other people that have died young, they are still remembered and this song truly is a comfort for those who mourn their loss. I love this song, it makes me feel better. Just play it and you will see why :)

  2. This song was played at my aunt's funeral in November. She died at 51 so in a sense, she was still young. Whenever I hear it now, it makes me cry because she was too young to go and we miss her so much. I think this song is about a girl who either gets murdered or commits suicide... I couldn't figure it out. Maybe some of you know. Perhaps The Band Perry is singing about a true story or a personal experience of a friend, who knows. I just know that this song has a huge impact on me because it brings back memories of the night of my aunt's funeral. My cousin (her daughter) chose the music and she also chose "wind beneath my wings" by Bette Midler. My aunt was my cousin's best friend and she was her true "hero" (song lyrics). I have attended 8 funerals in my lifetime and I've realized over the years that music really means a lot and is very sentimental to most families who experience a loss. Sometimes it makes them feel better, giving them peace. Other times it just brings back sad memories. Either way, musical lyrics and sounds impact most of us who experience the death of a loved one.

  3. Every time I hear this song I think of Carisa's candlelight vigil. The song itself is very moving, and it explains the pain of someone dying young. The lines "a sharp knife of a short life/ well I've had just enough time" reminds me of Carisa. Though she didn't have enough time in the eyes of all of her friends, she did make an impact in the time she did have. She truly had a heart big enough to change this world. She lived her life to the fullest, and I can only hope to live my life the way she did. I always say, "If I can die knowing I did all I can, then I'll be happy." I think this is true for Carisa. In her short 20 years, she did more than most of us will do in a lifetime. And she should be proud of that. Like the song says, "life ain't always what you think it oughta be." It's true...Carisa didn't deserve to die so young. But I know Carisa would want us all to continue what she started. So even though things weren't supposed to be like this, I think it's something we can learn from. This song so perfectly describes how I felt after Carisa's death, but it also gives me hope for brighter tomorrows.

  4. I love this song as well! Thanks for posting! I was thinking about the lyrics to this song and I have a few thoughts!

    1) "A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar; They're worth so much more after I'm a goner; And maybe then you'll hear the words I've been singing; Funny, when you're dead how people start listening..."
    -- I think this verse is so true because we absolutely treasure any quote our deceased loved ones used to say, or notes they may have written to us, advice they gave us. The worth should be the same! We should treasure the words, notes, and advice of the people we love who are still living; truly listen and show our appreciation while they are still here!

    2) The line that hit me the most is: "What I never did is done." Sit for a moment and take that in. What I never did is done... Definitely inspires me to do all the things that I want to do, live out my dreams before it's too late and my last song is sung. I don't want to wish I had still done things at my last moment of life--- I want to pleased with what I have accomplished and the relationships that I've made!

  5. I think this song portrays a beautiful idea of death. The thoughts of a hopeless romantic girl whose longed for love and almost seems ready to die, but doesnt want her mom to be depressed. Getting in our best dress and acting like were important but still saying that even though i've died save your tears for someone whose worth it.

  6. Christina-
    This song reminds me of her too. There are so many parts of this song that describes her, but I'm still can't listen to the song completely. I posted another song by Dear Professor and that's the way I think she would want the song to be! This song really applies to everyone young and old because either way when a life is cut short it is extremely sad. Every once in a while, when you need a good cry, this song is the perfect song to listen to.

  7. Aside from the fact that I love The Band Perry, this is one of my favorite songs. The first time I heard it though I had more or less the typical reaction that our society has engrained into our brains about how to percieve death. I wondered why such a typically lighthearted country band would talk about something so tragic as a premature death. However, as I really started listening to the lyrics I realized how beautiful the song really is. It talks about death in a peaceful type of way that helps us know that the person we love will always be with us and watching over. The only part of this song that is truly tragic to me is when she talks about "never knowing the lovin of a man, but it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand." This idea is something that truly scares me regarding the whole death experience. For me personally the idea of dying before really geting to experience true love probably upsets me more than anything. I understand that this was not meant to be the theme of the song but it's also something i can't help but think of. I still love the message though and I really do think it's great that they unveiled a situation that is hard to talk about but is also all too common.

  8. Yes KBush,
    the lyric of "what I never did is done" is definitely a thought provoking one. Being a ZTA and losing my sister Carisa a few months back, this song has stayed with me. We have come together as a chapter of women who have realized that Carisa did what she came to this place to do. She was always the Zeta who wanted us to strengthen our bond of sisterhood. Now that she is gone, we are so close because we know that it is what Carisa always wanted for us all! She was our angel sent to us to make us strong! And i miss her everyday! Her death really showed me that you need to live life to the fullest and do everything you want to do and take every opportunity. It can all be gone any moment! <3 you CLH
