Thursday, March 17, 2011

How death started

This is a funny explanation for how death started. Its from a movie called Dead Like Me. I saw it on T.V. the other day and immediately thought of our class, and how things like death might be explained to a younger crowd. Its part 1 of the whole movie that is 10 minutes long, but the part I am referring to is from the start til' about 1:30 in. Check it out.


  1. I watched the video and was very confused the first couple of seconds into it. So I rewinded it and watched it again lol. Using a frog and toad as the reason to why death started is a weird example for a younger crowd. But they might believe it. Me, as when I was younger I would not beleive that is how it happened. I always tried figuring and asking god why people die. My own parents never told me when someone was dieing. They would just tell me they weren't feeling good and we should spend time with them. All of those situations I wish I knew what was going on. I love my parents to death but I really wish I knew my uncle was dieing. This is something if my parents found this on tv they would use for me when I was little. Now I still don't understand death and really wish my parents told me he was dieing so I could of said goodbye. I know if I have children oneday, if someone was dieing in the family and they were really close to them, I would definitely tell them. I would want them to live those last moments and create memories so that they can't say oneday that they never got to say goodbye. Great post! I really enjoyed it. The younger crowd I feel needs to be aware of death and needs to understand it so it doesn't hit them hard when they grow up.- Jessi Mitchell

  2. I also feel this was a good example for kids because it gives them the idea of always do the right thing and be a good person otherwise the jar of death will break open. Sort of like the angel and devil. Which one to should they listen too. The angel of course. If you listen to the devil bad things happen. And the result in the video is now all living things have to die. Thanks for posting this!

  3. Frog is... an asshole. That was a very funny and nice take on how death entered our world. This simple description is not only of good comedic value, but it would actually provide a fun way to tell children about death if they ever ask why people have to die. I do however see a problem with young children turning frogs into scapegoats. We don't need a bunch of kids going around killing small amphibians because of a television show.

    I wish there were more shows out there that had this kind of cynical humor to it about death.
